National Forest Foundation Collaboration

"Whether it's a new trail in your backyard forest, or a new destination across the country, there are endless ways to explore our incredible public lands."
When the National Forest Foundation approached us about a collaboration in support of National Forest Week, we jumped at the opportunity to create a new piece of artwork in support of the work their organization is doing. One of Landmark's shorthand phrases is "Art for Parks," which, of course, is not limited to graphics for the national or state park systems. Wilderness areas, rivers, grasslands, estuaries, and forests all contribute to the network of outdoor spaces to be celebrated, enjoyed, and protected. Working with the NFF allows Landmark to participate in the positive impact of this organization -- particularly their promotion of responsible recreation, a value that aligns very much with our own.
If you're not familiar with the NFF, here's a snapshot of who they are:
The National Forest Foundation is America's leading organization for forest and grassland conservation efforts. As a key nonprofit partner of the U.S. Forest Service, the NFF is the only conservation organization solely focused on our National Forests. There are 193 million spectacular acres of wildlands in America, and NFF is dedicated to preserving, restoring, and providing access for responsible recreation to these incredible places. Beyond their ongoing efforts throughout the year, NFF celebrates National Forest Week every July, which encourages people during the week of July 11th-17th to find a special place in our National Forests and Grasslands. Whether it's a new trail in your backyard forest, or a new destination across the country, there are endless ways to explore our incredible public lands.
When it came to creating a new product to promote these efforts, that's where Landmark stepped in. We wanted this new design to recreate the feeling of being immersed in the forest, bringing to mind the most recognizable flora found in the woods. Like all of our designs, our in-house artist works through sketches and color drafts to create a final product that both feels true to Landmark's style and creates a compelling reason to support the National Forest Foundation. Once the design was completed and approved by the NFF, our in-house print team brought the vision to reality -- perfecting the colors and carefully producing the initial run of tees, hopefully the first of many.

This design represents our first collaboration in support of the NFF, but we hardly think we'll stop here. We plan to grow this collection of forest inspired products in future seasons, making the National Forest Foundation one of Landmark's long-term charitable partners. We can't wait to see where we go from here.
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