Rosemary Cornbread for Camping
Camping has been and will always be a recharge for the mind and soul, and we try to get away to do so at least a few times during the summer months. Part of the experience is camp food, and not just hot dogs and s'mores (although we love them). We prepared a more hands on meal from the camping cook book Feast by Firelight with friends, and we'll be sharing it with you too!

Side note: if you are looking for a cook book created specifically for outdoor cooking and camping - this book will not disappoint. Everything from breakfast to dinner and even drinks, in our opinion this is the bible for amazing meals for outdoor gatherings.

- 1 1/4 cups cornmeal
- 1 cup all purpose flour
- 1 tbs baking powder
- 1 tsp fine salt
- can creamed corn (14.75 oz)
- 1/2 stick of butter + tbs
- 2 eggs
- coarse sea salt
- fresh rosemary to taste
- zip lock bag
- mason jar
- large bowl
- stirring spoon
- dutch oven
- knife and tongs

Pre camping: Combine all wet ingredients in a mason jar, and combine all dry ingredients (minus coarse sea salt) in a ziplock bag. This will make cooking much easier once you're camping. Prep your fire and burn down a few logs until you have a hot bed of coals.
Combine wet and dry ingredients in a large bowl and stir until you have a consistent batter. Place the Dutch oven in the coals to heat up the base, then toss in your tbs of butter and melt until foamy.

Pour your cornbread batter in, place the lid on, and cover your lid with hot coals. Let the cornbread cook for about 20-25 minutes, replacing the coals on top if they begin to cool.

After 20ish minutes, check to see if the outer edge has a nice brown crust, by then you'll know it's ready. Serve with an extra pat of butter and your favorite camp food! We chose another recipe from "Feast and Firelight" grilled sausages with polenta and red pepper fennel kraut.

Not every camp meal needs to require lots of work or niche ingredients, just make sure it tastes good and you enjoy cooking and eating it!

This recipe was delicious. Thanks for sharing!
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