Trans-America Road Trip
One of our team members, Rebecca, had the chance to road trip across North America for a few weeks this summer: Anchorage, AK to Greenville, SC to be exact. She documented her experiences and the people she met, and she was gracious enough to let us share that with you. Here is what she had to say about her 6,000 mile trip.

Rebecca Guevara
I grew up exploring the East Coast, but I’d have to agree that “west coast is the best coast.” The beauty that spans from Anchorage, AK down the west coast of North America is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. The friends that graciously let me join them on their road trip were already planning to drive home after their seasonal work. I took time off work, bought a one-way to Anchorage, and drove 6,000 miles home.

There is nothing glamorous about life on the road, especially when you’re the only female accompanied by four males, you’re camping every night, and the majority of your meals are ramen. But, from witnessing the beauty of the whimsical Washington rainforest, to the awe-inspiring grandeur of Yosemite and vast beauty of the New Mexican desert, I know I’d do it all over again in a heartbeat.

Rebecca Guevara
Photographer and all around Super Smash Bros. Champion, Rebecca brings team spirit and screen-printing skill to our Landmark team.
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